A few weeks ago Olivia had an eye exam done at school and came home telling me she needed to "get her eyes fixed". She brought home a form saying that she needed to go to a professional eye doctor for an exam. Nick insisted there was NO WAY she needed glasses and I just figured she had goofed off during her testing. I did not think much of it until I received a phone call from the lady that tested her at the school insisting I HAD to take her, that her eyes were pretty bad. She threatened to call me repeatedly if I did not take her. SOOOO...just to keep her from calling me again, no seriously, I figured it was better to be safe than sorry and take her.

She went Friday, the day before her birthday, and sure enough she needed glasses. I was shocked! She did great through her exam even when they put in all the eye drops. The doctor was very impressed. It took me forever to pick out her glasses. We had a huge crowd of workers and other customers watching and helping us pick them out. She really put on a show and had everyone wrapped around her finger by the time we left. I guess it is not often they see little tiny 5 year old girl getting glasses.

She got 2 pairs, one is more traditional and the other is a stylish pair. I really wanted some cute girly fuchsia pink glasses but they did not have the best selection. She also got a "Hanna Montana" case which she was really excited about. We went today to pick up her glasses and she is so cute in them!!!! She really has the face for glasses. Of course all the ladies that work there came running when she walked in and basically the entire store stood still for her, watching her show off her new glasses. Ok, now I am taking bets on how long until they are broken... :) Good thing I purchased insurance.