September 07, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

We received our corrected approval from immigration Saturday!!!!! :) :) :)
I am waiting on 2 documents that I had to send out to be county authenticated and 1 piece of paper I had to send to Texas to be state certified then I will take everything to the state of Georgia to be state certified and then we will be done!!!! It will be a huge relief to finally have this part of the process done and be officially waiting on a referral.

September 06, 2008

Sponsor a Child

Nick and I had been thinking of sponsoring a child in Ethiopia and we finally did it. We wanted to help a child to be successful in their own country also. We have sponsored an 8 year old little girl in Guraghe Ethiopia named Atelo through World Vision. For only $35 a month it provides food, water, medicine, education, etc. for her and her family. We chose an older child because they really understand more and she will even be able to write us back and forth. We chose a girl because girls in developing countries have even less opportunities than boys. She is beautiful and we hope to meet her face to face when we travel to Ethiopia to pick up our daughter. I urge everyone to sponsor a child. By not eating out once a month you can provide so much for a child. We will be choosing another child to sponsor in the next few weeks. Click on the "Sponsor a Child" title above to learn more and locate a child to sponsor.